It’s time to “ActNow” on sustainability because there’s no planet “B”. We are proud to announce our partnership with AWorld – the United Nations chosen app. Join our MetaSport team within the app, rejoice daily as you achieve green habits, and see your name appear on our leaderboard. It’s a leaderboard where fitness doesn’t get you to the top, regular sustainable actions do!
“There is no planet B”. This is the tagline used by AWorld, the app chosen by the United Nations, in support of the “ActNow” campaign. At MetaSport – we have begun to “ActNow”, and are excited to announce our partnership with AWorld to engage, educate and inspire our community to adopt greener habits in our daily lives.
As part of our green journey, the partnership with AWorld will challenge us all to live sustainably. The app is an engaging platform with educational green content such as interesting videos and daily tips, plus gamification features such as quizzes and challenges.
We believe that sport is a powerful platform to promote green change, and we are launching the app to coincide with our Green Dot Challenge. Participants of the race, and members of the wider MetaSport community can join the MetaSport “Team” on the app. This will form a community collective with shared green ambitions who together can strive to make an impact. MetaSport will have a leaderboard showing the individual and collective points earned through logging habits, learning through stories and videos and completing quizzes. The leaderboard will highlight our individual and group success in the “green race”.
Furthermore, we have launched the “Beyond the start line” challenge – a collective goal to log 40,000 habits in six months. The habits are things we can all do in everyday life to live more sustainably, and includes things such as air-drying your clothes, using a refillable drink bottle and bringing your own shopping bags to the supermarket. At the end of each day the app will prompt you to log your habits for the day, the points from which will be added directly to your account.
Check your inbox for details of how to join the MetaSport team on the AWorld app, or take a look at the dedicated page on our website. If you’re more socially inclined, look out for the green tips on our social media channels and hashtag us as you log your habits and learn to live more sustainably.
We look forward to embarking on this journey together, to save planet “A”.