30 Nov The Dynamic CS Duo
Meet the Dynamic Duo behind MetaSport’s Customer Service – Fiona & Fa’Iz!
At MetaSport, our commitment to excellence transcends events and permeates the core of our customer service team. Meet Fiona and Fa’Iz, the dynamic duo – more than just friendly faces behind the emails, they are enthusiastic pillars deeply ingrained in the MetaSport community.
Beyond the inbox
Fiona, not only a customer service maestro but also the guiding force behind MetaMates in the pool, brings a unique blend of passion and expertise to both roles. Fa’Iz, our MetaMate enthusiast, navigates the customer service landscape with a genuine understanding of the participant’s perspective.
We find out what drive them to be on the front line, the funniest questions they’ve been asked before a race, and to share a little secret from their past….
Fun Fact
Off-work Fa’Iz is Fiona’s student as a MetaMate, and Fiona takes on the role of his swim coach.
What is your favourite part of the job?
Fa’Iz – Playing a role in orchestrating top-notch events like PTO and Tour de Batam. It feels like a close-knit working family. Sure, there are challenging days, but when I glance to my left and right, seeing the familiar faces right there in the trenches with me is what I absolutely cherish. And also, I get a kick out of turning frowns into virtual high-fives and making sure our participants leave with a smile, even if it’s just a digital one. 🙂
Fiona – Establishing meaningful connections with a variety of athletes I come across and being part of a team that consistently delivers despite the challenges we face.
What is your sport background?
Fa’Iz – I did my first-ever duathlon in 2005 and have been an avid participant in multisport ever since. I have also done cycling races too around the region! I’ve tackled a few MetaSprint races myself and absolutely loved the experience. Trust me, you’ll love it too!
Fiona – I was a competitive swimmer – I competed since I was 7 years old but I have since hung up my cap and goggles. I now teach kids how to swim, and I am one of the swim coaches for MetaSport Training. Do drop by for one of my sessions!
Do you and Fiona really message each other in the evenings?
Fa’Iz – Oh!You!Betcha! She is practically on my speed dial! We exchange messages/jump on a call not just in the evenings but also in the mornings, afternoons, on the plane, and even when on the boat. It’s a robust work relationship, but I must admit, every now and then she gives me a virtual nudge for oversharing!
Fiona – Sometimes messaging is just too “ineffective”. We usually just jump on a call instead! And yes, the calls can come at any hour of the day. On race week, even late into the night!
What is your favourite moment working at a race?
Fa’Iz – Witnessing participants cross the finish line, displaying a mix of smiles and grimaces of effort and pain. It truly reflects the dedication it took for them to go from the start line to the finish with such aplomb.
Fiona – At the recent PTO Asian Open, sourcing a race belt for a pro athlete and seeing his gratitude was the icing. And during another race, I assisted a young girl who was having trouble pinning on her number bib. Being able to help anyone with anything is definitely my favourite aspect of any race.
Tell us something that nobody knows about you.
Fa’Iz – I used to dabble in part-time dancing, grooving to the beats of Broadway and street jazz. However, those days are a thing of the past – trust me, I’m back with two left feet now! But, hey, if there’s anyone offering dance classes, I’d be more than happy to revisit those moves again.
Fiona – I’m a certified lifeguard. I love to scuba dive and I’ve trekked Mardi Himal in Nepal!
If you could travel to any race in the world, which one would it be?
Fa’Iz – For a triathlon race, without a doubt, it would be Kona, Hawaii! Dreams should be grand right? I’m committed to standing at that starting line one day, I promise! With swim coaching under Fiona, I’m already 2/3 of the way to turning that dream into reality (I’ve got the stats to prove it!). If you’re looking to improve your swim, hit me up, and I’ll gladly refer you to Fiona! (P.S. She’s an entirely different person when she’s by the pool.)
Fiona – The Olympics anywhere in the world! (But only to spectate)
What’s the funniest question you’ve been asked by a participant?
Fa’Iz – Oh, I’ve got a whole cabinet of those! But if I had to choose one, it has to be from a recent international event. A participant strolls up to me and says, “I’m here for my bike check-in, but I didn’t bring my bike.” It took me a while to process that one, but yes, that was a good laugh!
Fiona – Firstly, I want to state there’s no such thing as a wrong or bad question. But the funniest has to be this one time an athlete new to triathlon wrote in to ask, “What happens if he needs to relieve himself in the middle of the race?” What would your suggestion be?